My wife was getting stressed by her work commitments and every day life. She was feeling anxious about everything including dominating me at home.
It was all so much. How could she handle all the stress without something giving? She couldn't. No one could.
I convinced her that she needed to cede control to me in order to allow me to help quell her stress and anxiety.
She agreed.
This happened very early in December. Since then she has had a choice. She could either continue submitting to my will or she could lock that chastity cage on my cock and take charge back. I realize it was an incredible risk because who knows how sadistic she might have gotten after tasting the other side of the whip. I could have wound up without an orgasm for over a year I imagine.
Every week the choice was the same. She choose to submit.
One day I told her that every week was not working for me. It was simply too short. I preferred every two weeks. She agreed.
That also changed today.
Before I left for work I explained to K that while she had certainly been submissive to my will I still did not have control. Every time she was able to make a decision regarding submitting to me or not was eroding the trust I was building. How could I be the Master and her the slave if she could simply stop things at any point?
This was much different than having a talk about the direction of things, using a safeword, or changing intensity. Her decision was submission or Dominance.
When I came home I asked if she had made her bi-weekly decision. I expected her to tell me to continue for two weeks with a reasoning/explanation as to why she could not give up her grasp on control and trust me.
Today we did away with her bi-weekly decision at her request.
Now the power is mine. I must remain focused and confident for her. She needs my loving yet stern hand to guide her into a better place.
She says she still feels awkward to be called my 'slave' because she is not doing things to please me she is more interested in fixing herself.
Yet with minimal enforcement she has followed my rules even while both of us suffered from the Flu(thankfully on different weeks!)
As I explained to her. I am not doing this for my pleasure. That is a side benefit to me. I am doing this for her benefit.
I know from my own experience when I was the slave that one must be broken down before they can be built back up stronger and better.
This is step 1 of the breaking of
Stay tuned for more.
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