Tuesday, July 2, 2013


I came home from work today to find my slave finally measuring himself for a Mature Metal cage. As soon as I came in, it became a bit too…hard for him continue, of course, but we are almost there! 

We’ve had a lot of time to reflect on our continued desire for a Mistress/slave relationship and long-term chastity. My father-in-law passed away a few weeks ago, which is why I have not posted recently. Aside from the logistics that always follow death, our sexual activity has been less playful, more intimate, and simply not suited for blog posting! Fortunately, today’s measurement session seems to have sparked us both!

It has been interesting to see that in spite of emotional upheaval my dominant tendencies have stayed strong, and J’s desire to submit and be controlled are just as important to him as ever. We aren’t going forward with domination and chastity to give him an outlet for his upset emotions—that wouldn’t be a very healthy reason. It just happens to be a good side effect. We’re continuing because through it all, that has aroused us and appealed to us and been our instinctive desire.

We discussed this matter of the motives for beginning chastity even before these events, when our measuring rings arrived. I noticed that my husband was hesitant, and possibly more nervous than aroused as it drew nearer. Somehow, through one of the deep episodes of communication I think are so necessary to this lifestyle, we realized that I have been a bit afraid of penetrative sex, and that this was influencing my desire to start chastity. 

To give an abbreviated explanation for this: Mistress K has a tight pussy (read: really damn small), we had few opportunities for sex in the past due to a lengthy long-distance relationship, and neither of us is experienced at all. This has led to about as many physically uncomfortable sexual encounters as pleasurable ones for me. This is normal, of course, but in the stress of dealing with family illness, the anxiety of worrying about whether it would be great or uncomfortable this time was outweighing my enjoyment of having a cock inside me. This obviously needed to be addressed thoroughly before we went any further. 

The solution was simple, really. I will have to thoroughly train him to pleasure me well with his cock before we begin really long periods of denial. Now that it’s framed in this way, with the proper mindset, it doesn’t seem difficult at all. Very importantly, there will be no sense that we’re missing out on a part of our sexual relationship due to fear, or that we chose the path of chastity because of any latent feelings that might lead to dissatisfaction later. 

I’ve ordered my slave to begin wearing his collar around the apartment again tomorrow, and he hasn’t been allowed to cum without permission for a week now. We are back on track. And back online.

Mistress K

1 comment:

  1. It's nice to see you back online. I'm so sorry for your loss. It's never easy to lose a parent. We seem to think, for some reason, they will be there for us forever. Losing one certain makes you feel your mortality.

    It's so wonderful to see a couple do things so correctly from the beginning. You talked about your motives and your expectations and you are discovering together. You really communicate. It's sad to say, but so many couple don't. I made a lot of mistakes in the beginning by researching and buying a CD behind her back. I sort of dumped it on her and she had to catch up with me. I guess I was afraid of what she would think and she was upset I didn't approach her much earlier. We would be much farther along if not for that.

    Keep doing what you are doing because you seem to be doing it right and don't ever think you can't talk to each other about your wants, needs, and desires. I wish you both the best and look forward to hearing about your progress.
